Monday, March 2, 2015


Just a really quick update.  We received notice tonight that our dossier has been logged in as of 2/28.  That is BIG news to us!  That means that God worked it out for us to not only make our 3/19 paperwork deadline, but to beat it by over 3 weeks.  So glad!  If you are wondering what in the world all that means, please see our previous post here:

We were also notified last week that we were blessed with a matching grant through Lifesong for Orphans of $4000.  That is fantastic news and a great opportunity.  What it means is that for every dollar donated to our account through Lifesong, they will match it 100%.  That is the opportunity for $8000 towards our fees, which is great timing because we will soon have a large governmental fee come due that is over $11,000 within the next few months.  The thing about a matching grant, though, is that the grant organization will only mirror the donations we receive from others towards it.  For example, if we receive $100 from others towards the grant, Lifesong will kick in $100.  We won't receive a grant more than the total amount donated.  Plus, we aren't allowed to put money into it ourselves, nor are we allowed to fundraise towards the grant, which pretty much puts us in a place where we need to rely totally on God to work it out.  I have a really hard time with that part as I tend to try to figure out how to fix things myself, plus I HATE to have to ask others for anything.  So, please pray that funding will come in to match the grant in totality as we could sure use it and it would be a shame to let that kind of opportunity go to waste. I am so thankful to those of you who have already blessed us with a gift.  You know who you are and hold a special place in our hearts for sure!! If anyone else feels led to give a donation or know somebody who might want to, here is the link for that:

Anyway, that is pretty much where we are at this point in time.  Hopefully the next update we have will be to announce our LOA, the real biggie that ushers in the last stage of the adoption process!!

Thank you so much for following along with us!!

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