So it has been a bit since our last post, but we've not been idle. Our Home Study has been completed as of this last week by the wonderful people at Families Through International Adoption (FTIA). We continue to gather papers for the Dossier, and David's birth certificate is in Washington DC going to the State Department and then to the Chinese Consulate there before getting sent back to us.
We had our first fundraiser last night at our church, a Taco/Nacho Dinner and Silent Auction. We had lots of great items donated and support from several family and friends. A steady stream of people took the opportunity to come by and help support our family. I think that we are generally the type of people who expect things to not go as planned, so we actaully had more people come by than we thought! We were, and are, blessed by all of you who support us through your contributions and prayers!
One last word about our Home Study. We had mentioned to our social worker that there were a set of twins we had seen (beautiful 16-month-old girls with heart conditions) that we wer mooning over. She thought we could handle two more :-), so we have been approved for two children. Our next step is to complete our I-800A Immigration paperwork (this is the US government process that allows us to bring a child into America), and we will word that paperwork as is stated in the home study so as to seek approval to bring back two. We do not know if we will get two children, but it is easier to get the paperwork set up that way now than to go back and have things revised, which ends up also costing more money. Now that this first fundraiser is done and the home study is completed, our next step will be applying for adoption grants/financial assistance to help with all of the fees (or, as we like to think of it, ransom). With every holiday or event that comes, we pray it is the last one without our new daughter (or daughters? Or even daughter and son??)!
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